International Business Talk – interview with Predrag Čanak from Comland d.o.o

Pandemic negatively affects business in the world and Europe. That is why we decided to start the International Business Talks series, in which we talk with our clients from around the world.
What business impact does the pandemic have in Croatia? Today we talk with Predrag Čanak from a Croatian company Comland d.o.o.
Walczak Wasielewska Law Office: What is the current business situation in your country and what are the restrictions on business operations?”
Predrag Čanak: Current situation is not so positive.Customers mostly stopped investments.Nobody knows when and how will finish Covid 19 crisis.No new questions for equipment,even payment for already delivered machines is difficult.
WWLO: How were your relations with Polish business partners before Covid-19?”
PC: We have very positive experience with Polish partners.All possible problems are resolved by reasonable agreements.The most important issue is establishing of confidence.We have it. Generally very good.
WWLO: How do you and your international partners cope with this situation?”
PC: We are small but pretty stable company.Our government financially support companies which they have more than 20% reduced revenue in march,april and may.possible finacial differeces we cover from own resources.Our international partnes by our knowledge has similar government measures and by savings and rational behavior try to overcome situation.
WWLO: What are your predictions on how this situation will unfold in terms of international business relations in the upcoming months?
PC: Will be difficult for sure.We cannot expect quick recovery but with awareness of all participiants in process,savings…for 6 month I hope we will entirely back.Of course depend from possible second wave of infections.